3 Insightful Personality Quizzes You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

The fact that you’ve landed on this article is a good indicator that you’ve probably taken a personality quiz or two.

What if I told you that you could use the results on these insightful personality quizzes to find better freelancers and clients regardless of your business.

It’s true! Take this scenario for example… 

You’ve just hired a freelancer to help you in your daily tasks, and you’re certain this partnership is going to be fantastic! 

They have a ton of experience, the education to back it up, and you have so much in common.

You feel so lucky to have found someone so similar to you!   

And then… 

You start working together and things are not going as you imagined. Their work is always amazing, but they’re constantly late on deadlines.

You love hearing from them, but you never know when that will be. You wonder what went wrong.

This is the person you got along with amazingly well during your first meeting, so what’s the problem? 

Without realizing it… you’ve hired someone just like you — a freelancer who has the same strengths and weaknesses as yourself. 

This is so common. And there’s even research that supports the idea that we tend to gravitate toward people who are like us (2).

This is why as an entrepreneur, it's important that you know yourself before you hire. And it's equally important for freelancers when assessing whether a client is a right fit for them. 

Personality assessments like these are a great way to figure out your own strengths. So you can hire the best team for your business!

Does Your Personality Change Over Time?

Generally, psychologists believe that your personality and strengths are fairly stable (1).

And on one hand, I agree. You aren’t going to go from being terrible with details to extremely detail-oriented in your lifetime.

But what I’ve witnessed in my own life as well as with my clients and friends is that the results of their personality quizzes have changed as they uncover more of their authentic selves.

If the last personality quiz you took was in a teen magazine 10 years ago, I recommend you start with these top three assessments:

1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

This test is great for helping you get in touch with different parts of your personality so you can learn what drives you to make certain choices. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Thinking or feeling type? This quiz will help you find out. 

2. CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder 2.0)

This assessment helps you get acquainted with what you’re best at so you can hone in on those to develop your success further. Take this test to find out where your strengths lie and how you can maximize them. 

3. Enneagram

This one has grown in popularity over time. This quiz digs into certain parts of your personality and helps you identify your values. It’s helpful because you can use it to figure out what areas of your work and life you need help in. 

Take one or all three and combine the results together to get even more out of them. 

The way we score for these assessments is super reflective of how we answer the questions.

Over time, we become more aligned with our authentic selves. And we sometimes base our answers on who we “think” we’re supposed to be, rather than the truth.

If you’re like me and you’re more of a personality quiz junkie, then keep reading for three personality quizzes that are probably new to you.

3 Character Personality Quizzes You’ve Never Heard Of

I stand by the CliftonStrengths, Myers-Briggs, and Enneagram quizzes 100%. And they are highly insightful.

And because they have shined a light on areas of my life, I went out to find other tests that have the same impact and are just as powerful. 

I found some incredible ones to share with you!

Here are three less popular assessments that have helped me discover and validate pieces of myself I can use in my everyday life.

1. How to Fascinate Assessment by Sally Hogshead

The How to Fascinate Assessment taps into your core beliefs. It provides insight into what makes you feel confident, how you can influence others, and ways to live more true to your values. 

It determines which out of 42 archetypes you fall under and gives you tools to best understand yourself and communicate with others.

According to my results, Innovation is my primary advantage and Passion is my secondary advantage, which means… I’m a ROCKSTAR! (Well, at least that’s the name of my archetype for this assessment, anyway.) 

But here’s what really shocked me about this assessment… 

The results said, “You might toe the corporate line for a while, but that’s not your distinct value.”

What?! This is exactly what happened to me. 

Want to know what was also interesting about these results? My lowest-ranked advantage was Alert, which means I’m not good at setting up systems, preventing mistakes, or being disciplined. 

Yep. Yep. And yep. 

I am not good at those things. That’s why I have an incredible project manager who does a lot of that work for me. She’s so good at setting up systems in my business for me to follow. And she’s super thoughtful about testing them and making adjustments as needed.

We work so well together because our strengths are different. And I wouldn't have known what to look for in a team if it hadn't been for this assessment.

Take the assessment to unleash your own unique abilities so you can hire the right people that complement who you are. 

2. The Primary Archetype Test by Cerries Mooney

This is not just any archetype assessment. 

The Primary Archetype Test helps you get *crystal clear* on who you are so you can build a lasting brand that resonates with you and those you serve. 

Another perfect one for entrepreneurs!

What’s so powerful about the results is they can be applied to any kind of branding, whether personal or business. 

My primary archetype is the Creator, and I totally agree with EVERYTHING in the results summary I received. 

According to Cerries Mooney, there are 8 primary archetypes and all you have to do is answer 10 questions to discover which one fits you. 

Take the 3-minute quiz to discover your archetype and connect with your true purpose. 

3. Four Tendencies Quiz by Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin is an influential thought leader and author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before, along with The Four Tendencies. All New York Times bestsellers by the way!

Her quiz provides insight into 4 different tendencies. These help you realize how you handle expectations and how that affects you and those around you.

My primary tendency is the Questioner

I’m constantly learning, wondering, and questioning. Rules. Traditions. Instructions. They’re all subject to my poking and prodding. And this definitely gets me into trouble sometimes.

I have a tendency to take things too far on topics I don’t realize could be sensitive or too personal for the other person. 

Because I’m so open about all of my experiences, I assume others have boundaries similar to mine.

Now that I’m aware of my tendencies, I have definitely been more careful about what I talk about with others. And this has helped my business and personal life thrive!

Take The Four Tendencies Quiz to find out if you’re an Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, or Rebel!

Why Should You Take a Personality Quiz as an Entrepreneur?

Personality quizzes can completely impact the way you treat your business. They can let you get so in tune with yourself that you know exactly how you do things on a daily basis.  

This is helpful because it allows you to know where you need more support and where you can hold down the fort.  

So if you're looking to hire a team, I encourage you to learn about yourself first. That way you know what type of people will best compliment you and catapult your business to success! 

Want to continue receiving tips like this? 

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1 Does Personality Change with Age? Science Says Yes

2 Why Do We Like People Who Are Similar to Us?

Additional Resources


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