Welcome to
Big dreams, small goals
a life-changing masterclass on
getting what you want.
Get access to the Zoom video recording now!
$47 includes your printable workbook
SMALL Goals aren’t about
thinking small,
dreaming small,
or playing small.
They are a powerful formula for getting everything you want.
Let’s face it.
If the way we learned to set goals at work and in school worked, you would already have everything you wanted.
The good news is that it’s not your fault that these goal formulas haven’t worked.
Most goal frameworks — SMART goals, Wildly Important Goals (WIGs), and Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) — were designed for large corporations.
Decades ago, companies were struggling to set and achieve organizational goals and objectives. These frameworks were developed in response to that problem.
So, it’s not that SMART goals are stupid, WIGs are worthless, or BHAGs are bad.
It’s that they weren’t made for you!
There is another way. One that sets you up for more success and doesn’t require you to burn out.
And you can learn this exact goal setting formula any time you want!
And here’s more good news:
When I began my career, I thought I was doing everything right. I got a good job. I was promoted to manager. But within a few years, when I wanted to change careers, I started floundering.
Even worse, I didn’t know what I was doing wrong. I had set a goal to change jobs by the end of the year but it didn’t work.
After 18 months of spinning my wheels, I began experimenting with a different approach to goal setting. That’s when I realized…
I wasn’t the problem. The goal was.
“Emily has the right mix of practical skills and intuition. She's a true guide and visionary.” Melissa Griffiths, Bless This Mess
“Emily has the right mix of practical skills and intuition. She's a true guide and visionary.” Melissa Griffiths, Bless This Mess
“I had a complete paradigm shift when Emily taught me about the Zone of Genius concept.” — Tara Bench, Tara Teaspoon
“I had a complete paradigm shift when Emily taught me about the Zone of Genius concept.” — Tara Bench, Tara Teaspoon

And if you’re also struggling to reach your goals, the same is true for you!
I have spent more than 10 years refining my SMALL Goals approach and practicing it in my life as well as with my clients.
This approach has allowed me to:
+ Change my career
+ Earn a Master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
+ Receive a massive promotion
+ And start and grow a business beyond what I ever thought I could.
And now I’m sharing this powerful goal-setting method with you.
Whether you’re an employee, freelancer, entrepreneur, or some combination of the above, you will leave this masterclass feeling inspired and empowered to take action.
Whether you love goals or hate them…
Whether you’ve been spinning your wheels for a few months or a few years…
Whether you have tons of goals or no goals…
You will leave this masterclass:
“I loved that you shared your own journey. So often in goals or productivity classes, the aspiration is supposed to come from the speaker’s very linear (very LinkedIn-ish, as you said) story, and sometimes an unattainable morning routine thrown in for good measure. I related to you and the content so much more because I kept saying “yes, me too!” ”
“Emily’s approach to using small goals to achieve big dreams gave me a new perspective and framework for creating more actionable and attainable goals.”