This Blogger Found the Secret to Getting More Done in Less Time

Longbourn Farm is a blog known for celebrating simple homemade recipes and farm tips, run by Alli Kelley.

Alli lives with her family on a farm in Northern Utah and studied animal, dairy and veterinary science for her bachelor’s degree and animal nutrition for her master’s.

All that said, she’s a real food and farm expert who loves sharing homemade, tried-and-true recipes and approachable hobby farming know-how.

Alli has been running her blog for several years doing all the things…

She’s been managing all aspects of recipe creation, photography, writing, social media, email marketing and more as her following and site has expanded and grown. Sound familiar?

Alli realized that she was no longer able to do it all herself a few months ago and ended up coming across my program that teaches my strategic hiring process to attract high-performing, rockstar freelancers.

“I knew I wasn’t getting everything done, but I didn’t know who I needed to hire,” she shared.

“I didn’t know what the roles were even called or what I needed help with.”

Before utilizing my 5-step process, Alli said the idea of hiring just felt daunting. She didn’t want to waste money or hire the wrong person. So, she just didn’t do it — and then things just kept not getting done.

According to Alli, “Learning Emily’s process was really helpful because I learned what job titles existed, and what I could even look for.”

Before, she had pictured needing to hire a person to do each individual task: one person for writing blog posts, one for social media captions, and another to write emails.

Alli learned, though, that you can hire people based on their skill set and qualifications to do multiple tasks. “So that was really eye opening,” she said.

By following and applying my hiring process to her business, Alli was able to hire a content writer who she loves and feels supported by.

“I’m really excited because I have time to do other things,” she said. “I can still post as often as I want to, but I have a lot more time to create content and to actually do the stuff I like, like editing, taking photos, developing the recipes.”

By writing a really specific job posting, and then vetting candidates with targeted questioning about details like their SEO experience and Zone of Genius, Alli was able to attract a writer who is qualified, trustworthy and understands her brand.

“Everything my writer does is done well. She’s just so fast,” Alli said. “Now, when I sit down to work, I don’t waste 20 minutes procrastinating writing a blog post.”

She used to put it off and put it off, and now she doesn’t even have to write the post. It’s already taken care of, and well done, so rather than taking 40-plus minutes to schedule a post like it used to, it only takes 15.

Working with a writer has even allowed Alli to work ahead more because she has more time to plan out her content, “and it’s so much easier to schedule out a week or two in advance,” she said.

The thing that was most helpful about working through and applying my hiring strategy? Having a process—“a very clear process that worked,” Alli said.

“I hired the right person,” she shared. “When I first started, I thought, ‘Okay, If I hire someone and it doesn’t work out, I’d feel like that one’s on me. Either I didn’t write the job posting right or I didn’t ask the right questions in the interview.’ And so, because it worked and I hired someone and I love her, I feel like this process is perfect.”

To learn more about taking your blog or business to the next level by making a standout hire (without the stress of hiring), check out my exclusive membership program

You’ll gain direct access to me, my strategic hiring process, additional resources and the support of a community of other bloggers looking to expand their teams—and their businesses—to whole new levels.

Additional Resources


How can you REALLY tell it’s the right time to hire?


3 questions that will unleash your productivity potential